Classes &
Classes &
Artcentric is dedicated to providing a creative outlet to our community.
…”But I’m not an Artist.”…”I can’t draw”…. “I’m just not creative.”… are phrases we hope to eliminate from the English language (or any other language, really)!
We believe that creativity is key to mental and emotional health and offer classes at all skill levels. Artcentric is not just the name on the sign! We would love to help you get in touch with your creative side and meet other creatives in the community.
If you are interested in any of the classes or events listed please contact us via email: or give us a call 303-325-2640

“Microscopic to Cosmic” :
Joe Cauchi
September 6th- 30th
1930’s-1960’s paintings of Joe Cauchi.
The month of September is real special for us here at Artcentric. We will be featuring the paintings of Joe Cauchi in two distinctive phases of his painting journey.
First take a tour of the 1930’s….
Field workers, city workers from the WPA and urban families, striving to get by in the depths of the great depression. From his base in New York’s Greenwich Village, Joe carried his paints by train to urban neighborhoods and farms in rural Pennsylvania, Virginia, and upstate New York. His 1930’s art draws from a naturalistic, “Americana” style. Watercolors and oil/ acrylic paintings in this collection are offered at a range of affordable prices.
Then Fast-forward to the 1960’s:
When Joe’s vision and style changed dramatically in his “Microscopic to Cosmic” period. Inspired by images from the electron microscope while working at Cornell Medical Collage, Joe moved sharply away from natrualism. Newly commited to modern art, his prolific work in this period features celestial- seeming themes, sharp geometric design and vibrant color.
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